Do You Have What It Takes?

Battelle Capture the Flag (CTF) events are fun and challenging computer security competitions. Competitors are expected to “capture flags” to increase their score.

Battelle CTFs vary in their degree of difficulty and require participants to exercise different skillsets to solve them. Once solved, a flag is given to the player and they submit this flag to the CTF server.

Connect with our CTF team at [email protected] for help getting started with the Capture the Flag or to discuss career opportunities.

Event Details:

Battelle Beginner CTF

Dates Open:
Stay tuned for our next CTF coming soon. 

This competition is intended for beginner level CTF participants. This is a fun introduction for new players, with more challenging problems to come. If you are interested in harder problems or want to know when the next CTF is, sign-up to receive updates from the Battelle cyber team. You'll also be notified of new or current career opportunities.



  • This CTF is intended for individuals. Playing in groups is discouraged.
  • Sharing flags will be considered cheating and will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Attacking the CTF infrastructure is off limits. Any attempts at disrupting service availability for other participants will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Attempting to brute force flags is not acceptable.
  • Automatic Vulnerability Scanners like SQLmap are prohibited.

Helpful CTF Tips and Videos

CTF Solve by Battelle Reverse Engineering Expert: Enter the Delorean CTF from Hackers Teaching Hackers

CTF Solve by Battelle Reverse Engineering Expert: The Smoke Rises CTF from Hackers Teaching Hackers



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